Friday, February 19, 2010

World Wildlife Foundation

I came across a print advertisement from the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) and was immediately taken aback by the emotional direction from which it came. The premise that spans over this advertisement is that us humans need to realize that our planet's wildlife is under fire and that the wellness of various species is not out of our hands or unrelated to our own well being.

The ad pictured above shows a parrot superimposed over a man's arm - sitting atop the vein as if it were a tree branch in the wild. The tag line states, "Don't cut the rain forest!" This message works on multiple levels. First of all, telling people not to cut the rain forest is a message that doesn't need the company of any imagery. We all know that the massive deforestation of the planet is having a negative impact on our environment, but for the immediate purposes of mankind, most view the presence of the rain forest as something that does not directly impact them.

The second and more potent meaning behind the parrot advertisement is that if you cut the rain forest, you will kill yourself - or at least cause great physical harm to yourself. The type of catastrophic bleeding that would commence once cutting a vein in your arm is likened to the scare damage done to planet Earth and all of its inhabitants. This ad has a certain underlying fear-evoking quality that encourages action by appealing to peoples' most primal need - to protect their own lives.


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